CBD for Recovery- Popular Trend but Does it Work?
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CBD for Recovery- Popular Trend but Does it Work?

Updated: Mar 15, 2022


It seems to be the current buzz word in recovery. As regulations ease, how do you begin to navigate the surplus of CBD supplements? And how do you know they are actually effective, especially considering the hefty price point that accompany many of them.

Let’s start with the basics: What CBD is, and what CBD isn’t.

CBD (cannabidiol) is the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis (say that sentence three times fast) after THC, the more well-known cannabinoid.

CBD does not get you high and is typically used for medicinal purposes, unlike marijuana which is most commonly used recreationally.

CBD is typically used to treat pain, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders.

The main benefit that CBD has shown has been on two forms of epilepsy, but there is speculation that its benefits extend to other more common ailments such as anxiety and chronic pain management.

The issue is there are very few human trials that shown any significant positive results.

Until then there just isn't enough for me (or anyone else) to be able to make any strong recommendations. for the record that mice are not human, therefore we can’t assume that the results in a trial testing mice will be relevant and reproducible to humans.

Since there haven’t been enough human trials, let alone long-term human trials, it is hard to determine the safety of CBD use. The current side-effects appear to be milk; decreased appetite, some fatigue, and bouts of diarrhea. But it’s hard to really say for sure since we just haven’t tested it enough for long enough on actual humans.

So should you use CBD for recovery?

I don’t know.

Research doesn’t know because there just hasn’t been enough studies done to give any confident recommendations.

It’s kind of up to you. But before you decide you should know:

  1. There is no longstanding research that proves it has any significant positive effects on recovery, pain, sleep, or anxiety, so talk to your doctor.

  2. The dosage recommendations are quite varied so it’s hard to know how much you should take so you should talk to your doctor.

  3. There are not enough long term studies to determine its efficacy or safety in regards to long term use so you should talk to your doctor.

  4. Not all CBD supplements are created equal and since many of them are not monitored by the FDA, it’s hard to be certain that the supplement you receive actually contains what it says it does. So I recommend doing your research very well to be sure you can trust the source….and then talk to your doctor.

I think you are starting to see my trend here…. talk to your doctor.

I have no doubt that in the future CBD will continue to grow and hopefully the body of research will grown along with it so we can all make more informed decisions around its use.

Until then, there just isn't enough for me (or anyone else) to be able to make any strong recommendations.

If you encounter those who DO make strong recommendations to the positive benefits of their CBD regimen then MY strong recommendation is to request to see the research that backs up their claims.

Just as you would with any other supplement, be smart, do your research, and talk to your doctor.


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